Cảm biến ANRITSU A-351K-00-0-TC1.5W

Cảm biến ANRITSU A-351K-00-0-TC1.5W

Danh mục:

Mô tả

Model number*1 A-*5* A-*6*
Thermocouple type Type E or K
Temp. range*2 -50 to 200°C -50 to 300°C
Tolerance*3 -50°C ±2.5°C ±2.5°C
0°C ±2.5°C ±2.5°C
100°C ±2.5°C ±2.5°C
200°C ±4.0°C ±4.0°C
300°C ±6.0°C
Tolerance calculation method
At within temperature range1)-50°C ≦ t < -40°C:±2.5°C
2)-40°C ≦ t ≦ 300°C:±2.5°C or ± (0.02 × | t |)°C, whichever is greater
Response time*4 3.5s
Durability*5 More than 75,000 contacts
Pipe material Stainless(SUS316)
Grip material Polyacetal
Repair*6 Repairable