Trục vít KHK SWG4-R1

S45C material with induction hardened tooth surface, precision KHK W001 grade 2 reasonably priced ground worm.

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Mô tả

Configured Specifications

Types Worm Hole diameter, Shaft diameter(φ) 22
Tooth Width(mm) 70 Material S45C
Heat Treatment Induction hardened Accuracy Grade KHK, W, 001, Class 2
Ground Tooth Presence Size of Screw Hole
Module 4 Number of Starts 1
Advance Angle(°) 3°41′ Twisting Direction R
Keyway(mm) Worm shape W3
Screw hole position(mm) Shaft Hole Specifications Pilot Hole Product
RoHS 10

Basic Information

Types Worm Material S45C Heat Treatment Induction hardened
Accuracy Grade KHK, W, 001, Class 2 Ground Tooth Presence Twisting Direction R

Please check the type/dimensions/specifications of the part SWG4-R1 in the Warm with shaft series.